- cursor position
- позиция курсора
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов. 2013.
cursor position — location of the cursor on the screen … English contemporary dictionary
Cursor (databases) — In computer science and technology, a database cursor is a control structure that enables traversal over the records in a database. Cursors facilitate subsequent processing in conjunction with the traversal, such as retrieval, addition and… … Wikipedia
Cursor-Tasten — (auch: Pfeiltasten), die vier Tasten der Tastatur, mit denen der Cursor nach links, rechts, oben oder unten bewegt werden kann. Gewöhnlich ist auf jede Taste ein Pfeil aufgedruckt, der die Bewegungsrichtung des Cursors angibt. Bei… … Universal-Lexikon
cursor — cur‧sor [ˈkɜːsə ǁ ˈkɜːrsər] noun [countable] COMPUTING a small mark or light that can be moved around a computer screen to show where you are working: • Move the cursor onto the character you want to remove. * * * cursor UK US /ˈkɜːsər/ noun [C]… … Financial and business terms
cursor — [kʉr′sər] n. [L, runner < cursus: see COURSE] a movable indicator light on a computer video screen, that marks the current position at which a character may be entered, changed, etc … English World dictionary
Cursor (computers) — A blinking text cursor, stopped in the middle of typing the word Wikipedia. In computing, a cursor is an indicator used to show the position on a computer monitor or other display device that will respond to input from a text input or pointing… … Wikipedia
Cursor — Blinkender Cursor in einem Eingabefeld Startbildschirm des C64 mit blinkendem Cursor Ein Cursor [ˈkɜːɹsəɹ … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cursor — A cursor is a moving placement or pointer that indicates a position. English speakers have used the term with this meaning since the 16th century, for a wide variety of movable or mobile position markers. The literal meaning of the original Latin … Wikipedia
Cursor — Zeiger; Mauszeiger * * * Cur|sor [ kø:ɐ̯zɐ], der; s, [s]: meist blinkendes Zeichen auf dem Bildschirm, das anzeigt, wo die nächste Eingabe erscheint: den Cursor zum oberen Bildschirmrand bewegen. * * * Cur|sor 〈[kœ:sə(r)] m. 3; EDV〉 bewegliche… … Universal-Lexikon
position — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 place ADJECTIVE ▪ correct, exact ▪ central ▪ geographical ▪ relative ▪ military … Collocations dictionary
position — po|si|tion1 W1S3 [pəˈzıʃən] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(way of standing/sitting etc)¦ 2¦(situation)¦ 3¦(place where somebody/something is)¦ 4¦(correct place)¦ 5¦(direction)¦ 6¦(opinion)¦ 7¦(job)¦ 8¦(level/rank)¦ 9 be in a position to do something … Dictionary of contemporary English